Liv & Alex
Leaves´ Eyes
Interview at MFVF VIII

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Leaves’ Eyes was supposed to be the support act of the upcoming America tour of Kamelot. Means: since Kamelot has canceled the complete America tour you’ve had some extra time on your hands. How did you use the time after the canceling of this tour?
Liv: Yes indeed, well we’ve used our extra time to start to record our next album when we got home of America. We’re in the middle of the mixing of the next album. A bit earlier than we expected. Also our son got to go to school sooner which gives us more extra time to focus on the next album. Nevertheless the disappointment was huge because we really looked forward to tour in America with Kamelot and also we didn’t have a choice to fly to the States or stay at home or not.
Alex: We were already on the road so there was no other way than to continue.
Liv: Yes, we were already in the States when we heard the official statement from Kamelot. So it was a tricky situation.
I read that you did some shows in America without Kamelot. Was it because you already have come to the States?
Liv: Yes, we tried to do as many as we could. Unfortunately we could not continue the tour because we needed more financial support from our record label which we didn’t get to go on.
Alex, can you tell us what we can expect form the new Leaves’ Eyes album?
Alex: Well we’ve put a lot of new spices into the music but in a way we continue with the basic sound of Leaves’ Eyes, but the new influences will be surprising.
Liv: Yes, the basic sound stays the same but we add some classical and some folk influences like Scandinavian- and Irish folk elements into the music.
Alex: Yes we’ve put Celtic and Irish elements into our music, in kind of folky way. Still a bit experimental…
Liv: Overall we have develop it with so much fun.
You are going to play on a festival in Goa, India. How did they get in contact with you?
Alex: The India music conference that organize the event contacted our booking agency. It is a cultural event with all kinds of music. To what I know there will be two Metal-nights and at one of these nights Leaves’ Eyes will be headliner!!! (Alex responds with a big smile) We’re very much looking forward to this event and to the trip and how it turns out. We already get great response from people.
India is a special place to go to, do you think you get some inspiration there?
Alex responds with a short but definite: Yeah, Yeah!
Liv: Yes we’ll sure get some inspiration but I’ll also take some time to shop and I am definitely try to buy some really nice spices there.
So I say I hope they don’t see it as drugs, like herbs as they sell in Amsterdam, haha…
Alex starts to laugh really loud and Liv’s laughing and the only thing she can say is: Yes, yes.
Okay, let´s get serious again. You’ve played here before in 2007. Let’s talk about your performance later on today at MFVF 2010. Will you do a special show with special elements today?
Alex: Actually, there will be no surprises today. We’re here to promote the new album Njord (Napalm Records) which is the one we are still touring with. Well we did discuss to do something special but maybe the only surprise (he laughs) will be that we’ll play no ballads this time. The last time we did an acoustic show. We already did a show with a Viking ship combined with moments with atmospheric music and film it and had some ideas to something special this year but instead it will be more Rock´n´Roll tonight, haha.
Well everything is possible, I suppose but if you will do the same show every year it will get boring?
Alex: Of course, so we had the idea to bring all Vikings warriors tonight but because of some security matters we were not able to make it happen. Also we didn’t have enough time to make all the arrangements and find the right group to do real life Viking battles but maybe the next time at the festival.
Liv: All the hotels were fully booked so if it would have gone through with the idea they had to sleep in tents. That we find kind of harsh at this time of year.
She looks at Alex and he says: Well that’s like real Viking life. (and starts laughing - he’s a funny man)
Well I know it is possible to do it because I know an other band (red. Manowar) which I will not mention, haha, already bring Viking fighters on stage at a festival.
Alex: It is so funny to see how small the Metal-world really is with ideas and everything like for instance the Viking ship. We had that idea for ages and we’ve spoken about it with some people. When we played in New York I think I have spoken to a manager or so. We had the idea to do some shows or festivals together but unfortunately it never happened. I don’t know why it never took place but they have their Magic Circle Festivals and so on. So when I suddenly hear that an other Metal band got the same idea… (and he starts to laugh). No I’m just joking I’m actually a big fan of the old records of Manowar, haha.
Liv, Alex, thank you for this interview. Is there anything you would like to add maybe something I’ve forgot or which is important to tell?
Alex: Yes absolutely, we will like to point out that we are thankful to our very loyal fans. As Leaves’ Eyes we’re a band who’s not around for a long time but still we got a very strong fan base. So we would like to take the opportunity to thank all our fans for their support and we’re looking forward to play here again...